Category: style guide

MathCancer C++ Style and Practices Guide

As PhysiCell, BioFVM, and other open source projects start to gain new users and contributors, it’s time to lay out a coding style. We have three goals here:

  1. Consistency: It’s easier to understand and contribute to the code if it’s written in a consistent way.
  2. Readability: We want the code to be as readable as possible.
  3. Reducing errors: We want to avoid coding styles that are more prone to errors. (e.g., code that can be broken by introducing whitespace).

So, here is the guide (revised June 2017). I expect to revise this guide from time to time.

Place braces on separate lines in functions and classes.

I find it much easier to read a class if the braces are on separate lines, with good use of whitespace. Remember: whitespace costs almost nothing, but reading and understanding (and time!) are expensive.


class Cell{
 double some_variable; 
 bool some_extra_variable;

 Cell(); };

class Phenotype{
 double some_variable; 
 bool some_extra_variable;



class Cell
     double some_variable; 
     bool some_extra_variable;


class Phenotype
     double some_variable; 
     bool some_extra_variable;


Enclose all logic in braces, even when optional.

In C/C++, you can omit the curly braces in some cases. For example, this is legal

if( distance > 1.5*cell_radius )
     interaction = false; 
force = 0.0; // is this part of the logic, or a separate statement?
error = false; 

However, this code is ambiguous to interpret. Moreover, small changes to whitespace–or small additions to the logic–could mess things up here. Use braces to make the logic crystal clear:


if( distance > 1.5*cell_radius )  
     interaction = false; 
force = 0.0; // is this part of the logic, or a separate statement?
error = false; 

if( condition1 == true )
  do_something1 = true; 
elseif( condition2 == true )
  do_something2 = true;
  do_something3 = true; 


if( distance > 1.5*cell_radius )  
     interaction = false; 
     force = 0.0;
error = false; 

if( condition1 == true )
{ do_something1 = true; }
elseif( condition2 == true )
{ do_something2 = true; }
{ do_something3 = true; }

Put braces on separate lines in logic, except for single-line logic.

This style rule relates to the previous point, to improve readability.


if( distance > 1.5*cell_radius ){ 
     interaction = false;
     force = 0.0; } 

if( condition1 == true ){ do_something1 = true; }
elseif( condition2 == true ){ 
  do_something2 = true; }
{ do_something3 = true; error = true; }


if( distance > 1.5*cell_radius )
     interaction = false;
     force = 0.0;

if( condition1 == true )
{ do_something1 = true; } // this is fine
elseif( condition2 == true )
     do_something2 = true; // this is better
     do_something3 = true;
     error = true;

See how much easier that code is to read? The logical structure is crystal clear, and adding more to the logic is simple.

End all functions with a return, even if void.

For clarity, definitively state that a function is done by using return.


void my_function( Cell& cell )
{ *= 2.0; 
     cell.phenotype.death.rates[0] = 0.02;
     // Are we done, or did we forget something?
     // is somebody still working here? 


void my_function( Cell& cell )
{ *= 2.0; 
     cell.phenotype.death.rates[0] = 0.02;

Use tabs to indent the contents of a class or function.

This is to make the code easier to read. (Unfortunately PHP/HTML makes me use five spaces here instead of tabs.)


class Secretion
std::vector<double> secretion_rates;
std::vector<double> uptake_rates; 
std::vector<double> saturation_densities; 

void my_function( Cell& cell )
{ *= 2.0; 
cell.phenotype.death.rates[0] = 0.02;


class Secretion
     std::vector<double> secretion_rates;
     std::vector<double> uptake_rates; 
     std::vector<double> saturation_densities; 

void my_function( Cell& cell )
{ *= 2.0; 
     cell.phenotype.death.rates[0] = 0.02;

Use a single space to indent public and other keywords in a class.

This gets us some nice formatting in classes, without needing two tabs everywhere.


class Secretion
std::vector<double> secretion_rates;
std::vector<double> uptake_rates; 
std::vector<double> saturation_densities; 
}; // not enough whitespace

class Errors
          std::string none_of_your_business
          std::string error_message;
          int error_code; 
}; // too much whitespace!


class Secretion
     std::vector<double> secretion_rates;
     std::vector<double> uptake_rates; 
     std::vector<double> saturation_densities; 

class Errors
     std::string none_of_your_business
     std::string error_message;
     int error_code; 

Avoid arcane operators, when clear logic statements will do.

It can be difficult to decipher code with statements like this:


Moreover, C and C++ can treat precedence of ternary operators very differently, so subtle bugs can creep in when using the “fancier” compact operators. Variations in how these operators work across languages are an additional source of error for programmers switching between languages in their daily scientific workflows. Wherever possible (and unless there is a significant performance reason to do so), use clear logical structures that are easy to read even if you only dabble in C/C++. Compiler-time optimizations will most likely eliminate any performance gains from these goofy operators.


// if the fluid volume is negative, set it to zero


if( phenotype.volume.fluid < 0.0 )
     phenotype.volume.fluid = 0.0;

Here’s the funny thing: the second logic is much clearer, and it took fewer characters, even with extra whitespace for readability!

Pass by reference where possible.

Passing by reference is a great way to boost performance: we can avoid (1) allocating new temporary memory, (2) copying data into the temporary memory, (3) passing the temporary data to the function, and (4) deallocating the temporary memory once finished.


double some_function( Cell cell )
     return = + 3.0; 
// This copies cell and all its member data!


double some_function( Cell& cell )
     return = + 3.0; 
// This just accesses the original cell data without recopying it. 

Where possible, pass by reference instead of by pointer.

There is no performance advantage to passing by pointers over passing by reference, but the code is simpler / clearer when you can pass by reference. It makes code easier to write and understand if you can do so. (If nothing else, you save yourself character of typing each time you can replace “->” by “.”!)


double some_function( Cell* pCell )
     return = pCell-> + 3.0; 
// Writing and debugging this code can be error-prone.


double some_function( Cell& cell )
     return = + 3.0; 
// This is much easier to write. 

Be careful with static variables. Be thread safe!

PhysiCell relies heavily on parallelization by OpenMP, and so you should write functions under the assumption that they may be executed many times simultaneously. One easy source of errors is in static variables:


double some_function( Cell& cell )
     static double four_pi = 12.566370614359172; 
     static double output; 
     output = cell.phenotype.geometry.radius; 
     output *= output; 
     output *= four_pi; 
     return output; 
// If two instances of some_function are running, they will both modify 
// the *same copy* of output 


double some_function( Cell& cell )
     static double four_pi = 12.566370614359172; 
     double output; 
     output = cell.phenotype.geometry.radius; 
     output *= output; 
     output *= four_pi; 
     return output; 
// If two instances of some_function are running, they will both modify 
// the their own copy of output, but still use the more efficient, once-
// allocated copy of four_pi. This one is safe for OpenMP.

Use std:: instead of “using namespace std”

PhysiCell uses the BioFVM and PhysiCell namespaces to avoid potential collision with other codes. Other codes using PhysiCell may use functions that collide with the standard namespace. So, we formally use std:: whenever using functions in the standard namespace.


using namespace std; 

cout << "Hi, Mom, I learned to code today!" << endl; 
string my_string = "Cheetos are good, but Doritos are better."; 
cout << my_string << endl; 

vector<double> my_vector;
vector.resize( 3, 0.0 ); 


std::cout << "Hi, Mom, I learned to code today!" << std::endl; 
std::string my_string = "Cheetos are good, but Doritos are better."; 
std::cout << my_string << std::endl; 

std::vector<double> my_vector;
my_vector.resize( 3, 0.0 ); 

Camelcase is ugly. Use underscores.

This is purely an aesthetic distinction, but CamelCaseCodeIsUglyAndDoYouUseDNAorDna?


double MyVariable1;
bool ProteinsInExosomes;
int RNAtranscriptionCount;

void MyFunctionDoesSomething( Cell& ImmuneCell );


double my_variable1;
bool proteins_in_exosomes;
int RNA_transcription_count;

void my_function_does_something( Cell& immune_cell );

Use capital letters to declare a class. Use lowercase for instances.

To help in readability and consistency, declare classes with capital letters (but no camelcase), and use lowercase for instances of those classes.


class phenotype; 

class cell
     std::vector<double> position; 
     phenotype Phenotype; 

class ImmuneCell : public cell
     std::vector<double> surface_receptors; 

void do_something( cell& MyCell , ImmuneCell& immuneCell ); 

cell Cell;
ImmuneCell MyImmune_cell;

do_something( Cell, MyImmune_cell ); 


class Phenotype;

class Cell
     std::vector<double> position; 
     Phenotype phenotype; 

class Immune_Cell : public Cell
     std::vector<double> surface_receptors; 

void do_something( Cell& my_cell , Immune_Cell& immune_cell ); 

Cell cell;
Immune_Cell my_immune_cell;

do_something( cell, my_immune_cell ); 
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